Tiny TUFF STUFF Lacecap Mountain Hydrangea 1 Quart Pot
PriceFrom $29.95
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Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Flowering Shrubs
Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Deciduous Shrubs
Proven Winners® Tiny Tuff Stuff™ Lacecap Mountain Hydrangea
Hydrangea serrata
Compact, bud-hardy reblooming hydrangea. It's tough, but delicate - Tiny Tuff Stuff™hydrangea is extremely cold tolerant and beautiful. Extremely bud-hardy, each year it produces abundant lacecap flowers comprised of doubled sepals which appear on both old and new wood. While this plant leans to blue, the flower color may range from blue to pink to white.
USDA Zone 5 - 9 (-20°F/-28.9°C)
Exposure Full sun, Part sun
Height 1.5 - 2'
Width 1.5 - 2'
Finish Time .5 season
Type Deciduous
Bloom Time Summer - fall
Flower ColorBlue, Pink
Foliage Color Green