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Cultivars, LLC

  • Riversii Broad Upright European Beech Tree Base Size 1 Quart Air-Pot

Riversii Broad Upright European Beech Tree Base Size 1 Quart Air-Pot

Excluding Sales Tax |

Fagus sylvatica 'Riversii'

Riversii Broad Upright Purple European Beech Tree Fadus sylvatica


Note: Riversii Fagus Sylvatica European Beech Tree is a Grafted Cultivar.


Shipping Height vs Shipping Container Size

1 Quart Air-Pot: 1-2 Ft

1 Gallon Air-Pot : 2-3 Ft

2 Gallon Air-Pot: 3-4 Ft

3 Gallon Air Pot: 4-5 Ft


Deep purple, shiny leaves, upright when young, spreading to form a 60 ft. globe at maturity. Long in cultivation: cemeteries in many Eastern US cities were often planted with this variety, or other purple beeches that have grown to enormous impressive specimens. Fast-growing in the nursery, they make great field plants to bump later into a #15-20 container.



Fagus sylvatica 'Riversii' 

Common Name(s):


  • Common Beech 'Riversii'
  • European Beech 'Riversii'

Phonetic Spelling

FA-gus sil-VAT-i-ka ri-VERZ-ee-ee



From: NC State Extension

Randy Herter



European Beech 'Riversii' is a cultivar with large, glossy purple leaves that turn striking copper in the fall.  This cultivar is the most purple of all the beeches and even retains its purple color into the summer.  It makes a great shade tree, screen, or a specimen but be sure to have room for its mature size of 50 feet - 60 feet tall and 40 feet -50 feet wide. 


Plant in the full sun to partial shade in well-drained soils.  It is not picky about soil pH or soil type growing in sand, clay or loam but it will not tolerate wet, poorly drained soils and sometimes struggles in urban environments.  Very little pruning is needed to maintain an attractive shape in the is densely crowned tree.   Heat and drought can be very hard on this tree.  Its beautiful smooth gray barks makes for interest in the winter landscape.  This tree does tolerate browsing by deer. 

Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems:  No serious problems.  Aphids, Japanese beetles, and caterpillars can be insect pests.  Trees under stress can be attacked by borers or beech scale.  Cankers, powdery mildew, and beach bark diseases are occasional diseases.  

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