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Cultivars, LLC

  • Hurricane Blue Hybrid Fir Base Size 1 Quart
  • Hurricane Blue Hybrid Fir Base Size 1 Quart

Hurricane Blue Hybrid Fir Base Size 1 Quart

Excluding Sales Tax |

Blu 10YrHW12Fx6F Large Abies Koreocarpa 2020


A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a formal, dense pyramidal shape. Foliage is a stunning silver-blue. A wonderful focal point in the winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12' tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 5-8


A slow-growing evergreen conifer with a formal, dense pyramidal shape. Foliage is a stunning silver-blue. A wonderful focal point in the winter landscape. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 12' tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Hardy to -30 degrees. USDA zone 4.



American Conifer Society Attributes

Abies koreana x lasiocarpa / Koreocarpa fir

RECOMMENDED HARDINESS ZONES:4 (-20 to -30 F / -28.9 to -34.4 C)

HORTICULTURAL STATUS: EstablishedORIGIN: HybridCOLOR: Blue GROWTH SHAPE: Conical (Pyramidal)GROWTH SIZE: Large: greater than 12 inches (30 cm) per year / greater than 12 feet (4 m) after 10 years


Abies koreana x lasiocarpa / Koreocarpa fir

Koreocarpa fir is a hybrid of two fir species Korean fir (Abies koreana) and Alpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa). It is a conical upright tree with fast-growing shoots and a somewhat narrow pyramidal habit.


Classification Note by the American Conifer Society:

The nothospecies names A. × koreocarpa and A. × lasicor have been coined, but they are both invalid names under the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (ICNCP).

This is a plant of obscure origins, it is not possible to even find a grex name, the cross favors lasiocarpa, in all likelihood this is the cultivar 'Waldgrenze' which was introduced by Kurt Wittbold-Müller Nursery in Verden-Eitz, Germany. A cross between A. koreana and A. lasiocarpa 'Glauca', a great looking upright Blue plant. (Arrowhead Alpines nursery quote) I

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