Chastetree BLUE DIDDLEY 1 Quart Pot
PriceFrom $33.94
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Proven Winners® BLUE DIDDLEY® Chastetree Vitex agnus-castus 'SMVACBD'
Botnical Reference: Vitex agnus-castus
Rounded, dwarf vitex. Blue Diddley® dwarf chastetree is a fun little ball of lavender-blue flower spikes in summer. Its compact size fits nicely into perennial gardens and mixed borders. Treat like a perennial in the north and as a shrub or small tree in the south.
USDA Zone 5 - 9 (-20°F/-28°C)
Exposure Full sun
Height 3 - 6'
Width 3 - 6'
Finish Time 1 season
Type Deciduous
Bloom Time Summer
Flower Color Blue
Foliage Color Green